CASH Paradox, ReWASH, Bronze-2-Gold e JEDI AWAKENS: introdução de novos conceitos para aprimorar a sustentabilidade da interseção água-energia | Gabriel Marinho e Silva, Pedro Gustavo Câmara da Silva, Mateo Hernández Sánchez, Maria de Andrade Rocha alencar Castro, Luís Miguel Castillo Rapalo, Marcus Nóbrega Gomes Junior, Marcos Roberto Benso, Lara Moreira Compri, Milena Rosa de Sousa, Rebecca Sankarankutty e Eduardo Mario Mendiondo

Gabriel Marinho e Silva [1] 

Pedro Gustavo Câmara da Silva [2]

Mateo Hernández Sánchez [3]

Maria de Andrade Rocha alencar Castro [4]

Luís Miguel Castillo Rapalo [5]

Marcus Nóbrega Gomes Junior [6]

Marcos Roberto Benso [7]

Lara Moreira Compri [8]

Milena Rosa de Sousa [9]

Rebecca Sankarankutty [10]

Eduardo Mario Mendiondo [11]


In the face of escalating climate change impacts, including a heightened frequency and intensity of unprecedented extreme weather events, participatory decision-making in water management is becoming an alternative for sustainable disaster risk reduction. According to Singh (1996), hydrological disasters refer to any kind of natural or man-made events that result in extreme floods and droughts, mudflows, landslides, and other water-related hazards. For example, in 2022, there were 176 reported instances of flood disasters and 22 cases of drought disasters worldwide, impacting over 164 million people, causing 10,555 deaths and resulting in economic losses exceeding US$79.1 billion (CRED, 2023). Climate change has contributed to increasing risks of  hydrological disasters, leading to the need for adaptation and to develop measures in water infrastructure in order to ensure the safety of stakeholders (Carneiro et al., 2022).

Warmer climate with increased climate variability is increasing the risk of floods and droughts, as it intensifies water cycling and rainfall, making extreme events more frequent (Putra, Dewata and Gusman, 2021). Anthropogenic activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions, have also contributed to the increased risk of floods (Sabatino et al., 2020). Frequency of disasters is driven by aggregate CO2 emissions, while the severity is influenced by the trend in regional real GDP per capita (Chavez-Demoulin, Jondeau and Mhalla, 2021). As we grapple with the repercussions of climate change, understanding these intricate relationships is imperative for formulating resilient strategies and policies to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events on communities and ecosystems.

According to the OECD (2012), by 2050, without any new policy measures, freshwater availability will be further strained, with 2.3 billion more people than today projected to be living in watersheds under severe water stress, especially in the northern and southern parts of Africa, and South and Central Asia. As consequences, the water vulnerability can impose several consequences to society, impacting food and industrial production, increasing poverty, decreasing ecosystems services and life quality, inducing water-seeking migration, and triggering conflicts and protests for water (Gleick and Shimabuku, 2023). Thus, there is a necessity to formulate public policy measures aimed at ensuring water management safety and advancing sustainability, in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (Song and Jang, 2023).


(Leia o ensaio completo em PDF).


Recebido em: 15/10/2023

Aceito em: 15/11/2023


[1] Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[2] Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[3]  Master’s Degree  Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[4] Master’s Degree  Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[5] Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[6] Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[7] Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[8] Graduate Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[9] Graduate Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

[10] Graduate Student, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email:  

[11] Ph.D. Professor, Dept. of Hydraulics Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo. Email: 

CASH Paradox, ReWASH, Bronze-2-Gold e JEDI AWAKENS: introdução de novos conceitos para aprimorar a sustentabilidade da interseção água-energia


RESUMO: Em meio aos crescentes impactos das mudanças climáticas e eventos climáticos extremos, a tomada de decisões participativa na gestão da água destaca-se como abordagem sustentável para a redução de riscos de desastres. Desastres hidrológicos, como inundações e secas, aumentam globalmente devido a atividades antropogênicas, exigindo adaptação na infraestrutura hídrica. A OCDE projeta estresse hídrico severo para 2,3 bilhões até 2050 sem novas políticas, afetando produção e desencadeando conflitos. Soluções de gestão hídrica, com sócio-hidrologia participativa, oferecem um quadro sustentável. Assim, este artigo apresenta três segmentos – Bronze-2-Gold, ReWASH e JEDI AWAKENS – conciliando energia, demanda de água e sócio-hidrologia. Bronze-2-Gold foca em emissões zero e desenvolvimento sustentável. ReWASH aborda escassez reciclando água, promovendo economia circular. JEDI AWAKENS destaca justiça climática, equidade e inclusão na gestão sustentável, advogando por disseminação de conhecimento e participação social. O Paradoxo CASH destaca interdependências entre ecossistemas, clima e sistemas humanos, ressaltando a necessidade de políticas equilibradas. Este esforço multidisciplinar defende futuro com emissões zero, mitigando riscos e promovendo resiliência.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Nexo Água-Energia. Ciclos Virtuosos da Água. Acessos Sustentável à Água. Justiça Ambiental. Difusão do conhecimento.


CASH Paradox, ReWASH, Bronze-2-Gold and JEDI AWAKENS: introduction of new concepts to enhance the sustainability of the water-energy nexus


ABSTRACT: Amidst the escalating impacts of climate change and extreme weather events, participatory decision-making in water management stands out as a sustainable approach for disaster risk reduction. Hydrological disasters, such as floods and droughts, are increasing globally due to anthropogenic activities, necessitating adaptation in water infrastructure. The OECD projects severe water stress for 2.3 billion people by 2050 without new policies, affecting production and triggering conflicts. Water management solutions, employing participatory socio-hydrology, provide a sustainable framework. Thus, this article introduces three segments – Bronze-2-Gold, ReWASH, and JEDI AWAKENS – reconciling energy, water demand, and socio-hydrology. Bronze-2-Gold focuses on zero emissions and sustainable development. ReWASH addresses scarcity by recycling water, promoting a circular economy. JEDI AWAKENS emphasizes climate justice, equity, and inclusion in sustainable management, advocating for knowledge dissemination and social participation. The CASH Paradox highlights interdependencies between ecosystems, climate, and human systems, emphasizing the need for balanced policies. This multidisciplinary effort advocates for a future with zero emissions, mitigating risks, and promoting resilience.

KEYWORDS: Water-Energy Nexus. Virtuous Water Cycles. Sustainable Water Access. Environmental Justice. Adaptation knowledge Exchange. 

SILVA, Gabriel Marinho et al.. CASH Paradox, ReWASH, Bronze-2-Gold e JEDI AWAKENS: introdução de novos conceitos para aprimorar a sustentabilidade da interseção água-energia. ClimaCom – Desastres [online], Campinas, ano 10, nº. 25. nov. 2023. Available from: