Where to sit at the dinner table?

Título: Where to sit at the dinner table?

Resumo: Where to sit at the dinner table? tells the tale of ecological energetics and the movement of economic subsumption found at its origins, from homeostasis to the necessity of growth, excess, and the continuous production of an outside. From time to time the story is interrupted by tales about the ritual of anthropophagy in Brazil in the early 16th century, an imaginary that builds the film’s visuals, be it microfilms of 16th century books and etchings (André Thevet, Jean de Léry, or Hans Staden), or museological and graphic material from or about Amerindian socio-cosmologies.


“Não tinhamos especulação./ We did not have speculation.

Mas tinhamos adivinhação. / Yet we had divination.

Tinhamos Política, que é a ciência da distribuição. / We had Politics, which is the science of distribution.

E um sistema social-planetário.” / And a social-planetary system.

– Oswald de Andrade, in “Manifesto Antropófago”.

Autor: Pedro Neves Marques, visual artist and writer. Born in Lisbon, Portugal, living in New York, USA.

Contato: pedronevesmarques@gmail.com

He has exhibited at venues such as Kadist Foundation (Paris), e-flux (with Mariana Silva) (New York, USA), Casa do Povo (São Paulo, Brazil), 12th Cuenca Biennial (Cuenca, Ecuador), Sculpture Center (New York, USA), Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts (New York, USA), and EDP Foundation (with André Romão) (Lisbon, Portugal), as well as the galleries Galleria Umberto di Marino (Naples, Italy), and Pedro Cera (Lisbon, Portugal). His short-film Where to Sit at the Dinner Table? premiered at DocLisboa International Film Festival 2013, and has screened on several venues, including online with a discussion with the Brazilian architect Paulo Tavares at www.vdrome.org in 2014. He has been a resident at Zentrum Paul Klee’s Sommerakademie, Bern, Switzerland, 2012 (coordinated by Jan Verwoert), and atAntonio Ratti Foundation, Como, Italy (coordinated by Walid Raad).

Link: http://www.vdrome.org/marques.html


Where to sit at the dinner table?, 35′ film, HD video, spoken in English and Portuguese, dated 2012-13 

Shot in Brazil and Portugal with the kind support of Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Spain, and Companhia das Culturas, Portugal. Directed and edited by Pedro Neves Marques, with the cast: Eglantina Monteira, Vítor de Andrade. Voice overs by: Ariana Couvinha, Gonçalo Gama Pinto, Pedro Simões, and Don Patterson. Sound by: Pedro Sousa. The music is by Terry Riley and Martinho da Vila, while the synth soundtrack is by Pedro Neves Marques based on indigenous folkore songs from the States of Maranhão and Amazonas. Many thanks to the cast, Mariana Silva, Eduardo Guerra, Margarida Mendes, Joana Escoval, Ana Luísa Bouza, João Ribeiro, Gonçalo Sena, Teatro Praga, Susana Pomba, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro.