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Call for Papers/artistic contributions

Special Issue of ClimaCom: The Anthropocene Dialogues
Editors: Marko Monteiro (State University of Campinas); Jean Miguel (Federal University of São Paulo); Altair Oliveira Filho (Federal Institute of São Paulo).
Deadline: March 30, 2018.


Anthropogenic changes in the terrestrial climate, land use, the oceans and the biosphere have been occurring at ever larger and faster speeds, especially in the last century. This unprecedented phenomenon in human history and in the history of the planet has fostered heated debates about the concept of the Anthropocene, a new geological age defined by human activity on Earth. Several areas of science and philosophy are currently discussing how human relations with the environment and other species can be critically re-thought through this concept, justifying a continued engagement with its possibilities. The Anthropocene concept brings new challenges to critical thought on society and the environment, helping to guide and promote debates that go beyond scientific disciplines and their epistemologies. The concept makes it possible to think about the construction of an analytical framework that would serve as a means for the sciences to establish a more active dialogue beyond natural/social disciplinary boundaries. It also has enabled innovative forms of language and understandings of natural processes to be imagined, including informing new ways of interaction between the sciences and the public. This is necessary so that actions can be taken on increasingly urgent issues, namely: how to preserve and recover damaged ecosystems; how to deal with (increasingly frequent)
natural disasters; how to stimulate the use of renewable energies; how to promote adaptation to climate change; how to produce food and use resources in a sustainable manner, among many others.

This special edition of ClimaCom proposes to enable a plural dialogue between different scientific disciplines about such epistemic, political and social challenges. Some of the thematic axes of this discussion include:
1. The search for an epistemology of Anthropocene;
2. The cultural dimensions of the Anthropocene;
3. The consequences climate change on functioning of ecosystems;
4. Natural disasters, extreme events and Anthropocene;
5. The future global energy supply, renewable energy and climate change;
6. Traditional knowledge and climate change;
7. Climate change, adaptation and mitigation actions;
8. Global climate change and agriculture, livestock and land uses;
9. Climate change and health;
10. Challenges for the communication of the science of the Anthropocene;
11. Democracy, climate governance and public policy in the Anthropocene;
12. Socio-technical constructions for coping with climate change


Biermann, Frank, Kenneth Abbott, Steinar Andresen, Karin Bäckstrand, Steven Bernstein, Michele M Betsill, Harriet Bulkeley, Benjamin Cashore, Jennifer Clapp, and Carl Folke, 2012. Navigating the Anthropocene: improving earth system
governance, Science 335, 1306-1307.
Crutzen, Paul J, 2006. The “anthropocene”(Springer). Haraway, Donna, 2015. Anthropocene, capitalocene, plantationocene, chthulucene: Making kin, Environmental Humanities 6, 159-165.
Latour, Bruno, 2014. Anthropology at the time of the Anthropocene—A personal view of what is to be studied.
Lewis, Simon L, and Mark A Maslin, 2015. Defining the anthropocene, Nature 519, 171-180.
Monastersky, Richard, 2015. The human age, Nature 519, 144.
Moore, Amelia, 2016. Anthropocene anthropology: reconceptualizing contemporary global change, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22, 27-46.
Palsson, Gisli, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Sverker Sörlin, John Marks, Bernard Avril,
Carole Crumley, Heide Hackmann, Poul Holm, John Ingram, and Alan Kirman, 2013.
Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating the social
sciences and humanities in global environmental change research, environmental
science & policy 28, 3-13.

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Submission guidelines

ClimaCom accepts articles, essays, reviews and artistic productions in any format (video, photography etc.). The texts may be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
Please submit texts as Word, Open Office or RTF documents.
If you have any enquiries please contact us.
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Mailing address
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Unicamp
Prédio V da Reitoria – Piso 3 – CEP 13083-970
Tel: (19) 3521-2584 / 3521-2585 / 3521-2586 / 3521-2588